NuCypher Home Projects CypherDocs


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Cypherdocs is a peer to peer decentralized document collaboration tool similar to Google Docs that uses Nucypher for securing a Web RTC connection.
Working but buggy
Ryan Lee and Daniel Ziabko

The project is a web app like Google docs that allows the user to play as either Alice (The Document Owner) or Bob (The peer editor). It uploads and encrypts the document onto swarm periodically, and it secures a web rtc connection with Bob using a handshake protocol encrypted by nucypher. The handshake protocol is essentially Alice sending Bob an cryptographically random token and seeing if Bob can decrypt it, if not Bob must ask Alice for permissions to join the session or be kicked out. Bob will have to renew his permission when his grant expires.

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NuCypher Hackathon

Building the Applications and Tools for Unconditional Privacy
$5,000 first prize for each category
Mar 11 – Apr 7
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