Help & FAQs / Pro Trading

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Getting Started

Create an account 

  • Visit
  • Enter in your first name, last name, and email 
  • Create your password
  • Your password is required to have a minimum of 10 characters
  • Verify your email 

Open up your wallet 

For individuals, we require:

  • Name
  • Country + state of residence 
  • Address
  • Date of birth 
  • SSN (USA only)
  • Phone number 
  • Selfie 
  • Photo of government-issued ID 
  • Occupation 

For companies, we require:

  • Name of entity 
  • Country + state of residence of the entity 
  • Company type 
  • Tax ID number (US only)
  • Incorporation date 
  • Incorporation location 
  • Company address
  • Information on major shareholders (any individual or entity that owns 25%+)
  • Documentation attesting to major shareholder ownership 
  • Information on the signatory for the company 
  • Selfie of the signatory 
  • Photo of government-issued ID for the signatory 
  • Signatory’s occupation 

Once you’ve provided that information, the last step is to set up 2FA for your account. We recommend using common 2FA applications like Google Authenticator, Duo, or using an Yubikey. 

Other Pro Trading Questions

Display Preferences

Adjusting the Displayed Price Levels

The depth of the order book prices can be adjusted to increase or decrease the increments between price levels that are displayed.

To adjust the displayed price levels, click on the controls (- and +) in the lower right of the Order Book.

Managing the Displayed Columns

CoinList Pro’s orders module can be configured to view the information that is most important to you about your account orders.

To adjust the displayed columns, click on the settings button, select Manage Columns, choose the order data you would like to be displayed, and click Done.

Resetting the Default Column Display

CoinList Pro’s orders module can be easily reset to the default display if you have made changes that you would like to undo.

To reset the displayed columns, click on the settings button and select Reset Widget.

Chart Preferences

Changing Chart Timeframes

CoinList Pro’s chart supports multiple timeframes, allowing you to easily view market data across different periods of time.

To change timeframes, click the periodicity dropdown and select the desired period.

The following timeframes are currently supported:

  • Minute - 1, 5, 15, and 30 minutes
  • Hourly - 1 and 4 hours
  • Daily - 1 day
  • Weekly - 1 week

Changing Chart Styles

CoinList Pro’s chart supports multiple charting styles, allowing you to visualize market data just the way you want.

To change the chart style, click the candle icon between the periodicity dropdown and the compare dropdown and select the desired style.

The following chart styles are currently supported:

  • Bar
  • Baseline delta
  • Candle
  • Hollow candles 
  • Heiken Ashi
  • Area
  • Line

Comparing Two Symbols on the Same Chart

CoinList Pro’s chart allows you to add a second product to a chart in order to conduct comparison analysis and explore the price relationship between two assets.

To add a second symbol to the chart, click on compare in the lower right of the chart area and select the desired asset that you wish to add for comparison.

Modifying Working Orders

To modify the price or asset quantity of a working order, click on the edit icon next to the order you wish to modify, make the necessary modifications, and click Modify.

Entering Order Size

Your order size can be entered in two ways when using Order Entry to place an order:

  • Quantity of base asset - choose the amount of the asset you want to trade
  • US dollar value - specify the US dollar amount as the trade size

When choosing either order size option, you will be able to reference the other value, which will automatically populate once you enter the desired contract quantity or notional value, before placing the order.  

To select the desired order size method, click the dropdown menu in the quantity/notional value field.

Quickly Entering Maximum Order Size

Maximum order sizes can be rapidly determined with one-click in Order Entry, allowing you to quickly go “all-in” if a trading opportunity is presented.

To quickly size your order with the maximum buying or selling power in your account, simply click the max buy or max sell buttons, and the quantity or notional value will automatically populate with the largest order size possible for your account.

Enabling and Disabling Order Confirmations

Order confirmations can be turned on and off in order to facilitate the trading experience that you want.

If the order confirmation is enabled, a window will be displayed after clicking the buy or sell button on Order Entry, which will show order information and either require the confirmation of the buy or sell action to actually submit the order or choosing to halt the order from being submitted by clicking Cancel or closing out of the order confirmation window.

If the order confirmation is disabled, one-click trading is activated and clicking the buy or sell button will submit your order without any additional pre-trade confirmation.

To enable or disable the order confirmation, click on Settings in Order Entry and either check to enable or uncheck to disable.

Closing a Position

Open positions can be quickly closed and all working orders for a contract can be canceled when using CoinList Pro’s order book in trade mode.

To close an entire position and cancel all working orders for a particular contract, click on the manage dropdown and select Close Positions.

Note: This feature uses a single market order to close the position, which could impact the price at which the position is closed depending on market conditions and liquidity when the order is placed.

Closing Positions Quickly

Open positions can be quickly closed and all working orders for a contract can be canceled directly from CoinList Pro’s positions module.

To close an entire position and cancel all working orders for a particular contract, click on the X next to the contract position you wish to close and select Close Positions.

Note: This feature uses a single market order to close the position, which could impact the price at which the position is closed depending on market conditions and liquidity when the order is placed.

Trading from the Order Book

CoinList Pro’s order book can be used to place trades and manage orders directly on the order book, allowing you to take trading action while you view market depth.

Order book trading includes:

  • Placing market orders
  • Placing price orders (limit, stop, take profit)
  • Quick order size presets
  • Position size
  • Modifying the price of working orders
  • Canceling individual orders
  • Closing a position at market

Viewing Orders

Viewing Actively Working Orders

All orders that are actively working in your account can be viewed in the orders module. This will include orders for all pairs you are trading as the default, which can be filtered to the currently selected asset to focus exclusively on one trading pair.

Viewing Historical Order Activity

CoinList Pro’s “Orders” module shows your order history, including orders that have been filled, canceled, and rejected.

Viewing Filled Orders

CoinList Pro’s orders module shows your filled orders in two different places: Fills shows you exclusively filled order activity and Order History shows fills along with other order activity.

Supported Assets + Trading Pairs

Currently, CoinList Pro accepts BTC, ETH, ALGO, OXT, and USD on the exchange. Supported trading pairs include: 


If you attempt to deposit anything but these coins to your CoinList wallet on the exchange, you will not receive it. CoinList is not responsible for any lost funds.

We plan to support additional cryptocurrencies in the future. If there are specific coins that you would like to be supported on CoinList Pro, please visit our Help Center and let us know. 

Maker and Taker Definitions

In theory, a Maker is an order that adds liquidity to the order book and a Taker is an order that removes liquidity.

In practice, there are some edge cases on CoinList Pro that one should be aware of.

1. A market order is a taker unless:

  • It remains unfilled (due to price protection) and sits on the orderbook for longer than one auction

2. A limit order is a maker unless:

  • It crosses in the current auction AND it crosses at a price that is through the previous auction price 
  • Through the previous auction price means a buy that is higher than the previous auction or a sell that is lower than the previous auction price
  • It crosses in the current auction AND it crosses at a price that is equal to the previous auction price AND it is on the side (buy or sell) without any unfilled orders

Price Protection

In order to prevent prevent large slippage on the exchange, CoinList Pro employs price protections on its market and limit orders.

Price Protection of Market Orders

This is the maximum (buy market) and minimum (sell market) price that can be executed via a market order. If a market order has remaining unfilled quantity, it will effectively become a resting limit order at the maximum/minimum price.

  • Market buy limit protection price = best ask * (1.05)
  • Market sell limit protection price = best bid * (0.95)

Price Protection of Limit Orders

This is the maximum buy limit and minimum sell limit price that can be submitted via a limit order. There is no minimum limit on a buy limit price or maximum limit on a sell limit price.

  • Buy Limit Price Maximum: Reference Price *(1.05)
  • Sell Limit Price Minimum: Reference Price *(0.95)
  • Buy limit orders more than the Buy Limit Price Maximum and sell limit orders less than the Sell Limit Price Minimum will be rejected

If an order is a Stop Limit Order, the Reference Price is the Stop Price, otherwise it is chosen in the following order:

1. Last Trade Price

  • if the last auction did not have a fill, go to 2

2. Best bid if it is higher than, or best ask if it is lower than, the previous midpoint quote.

Order Type

Trades can be submitted with different conditions known as order types. These order types allow traders to specify criteria related to how and at what price a trade may be placed.

CoinList Pro supports several order types, including:


  • Description - market orders execute at the next available price in the market. No price is specified with the order, and the order is filled at the current market price
  • Use case - traders use market orders to enter or exit a trade quickly when execution certainty is a higher priority than price execution
  • Traders should be cautious when using market orders in thinly traded markets where the bid-ask spread may be wide and liquidity may represent an issue for price slippage, causing orders to get filled for a higher price if they are buying, or a lower price if they are selling

A market order is the most straightforward type of order. It executes immediately against the best price available. As long as there are willing buyers and sellers, market orders are filled.

A market sell will match the best available bids on the order book, and a market buy will match against the best available asks on the order book.

Market orders are often used when you need to prioritize speed over price, for example, when taking advantage of a fast-moving bull run. You'll use this order when you need your trade to execute immediately at the current best price available.


  • Description - limit orders are used to specify a price limit at which the order must be executed. Limit orders to buy are placed below the market and limit orders to sell are placed above the market. Since the limit order must be filled at the designated price or better, traders use limits to define the worst price at which the order will be executed, prioritizing price execution over execution certainty
  • Use case - traders use limit orders to enter positions, setting orders at points that act as profit targets, as well as to exit positions. Limits can be placed in advance once a position has been entered, and the order will automatically execute once the price conditions have been met
  • Since a limit order must be executed at the specified price or better, the market may touch the limit price several times with the trader not receiving a fill, depending on where the trader’s order is in order book queue
  • The market must trade completely through a limit order’s price in order for a trader to earn a complete fill and partial fills can occur if only part of the order is executed
  • A limit order remains in the order book until the order is either executed, canceled, or expires

A limit order allows you to specify a price and amount you would like to buy or sell at.

Example: If the current market price is 8000 and you want to buy lower than that at 7900, then you would place a limit buy order at 7900. If the market reaches 7900 and a seller’s ask matches with your bid, your limit order will be executed at 7900.

Stop Market

  • Description - stop market orders execute at the next available price once the designated trigger price crosses the stop price. Stop orders to buy are placed above the market and stop orders to sell are placed below the market. 
  • Use case - traders typically use stop orders in an attempt to limit losses if the market moves against a market position or to protect profits on an open position, but the order type can also be used to initiate a new position. Once the stop price is touched, the stop order is said to have been "elected," will be treated as a market order, and will be filled at the best possible price
  • Stop orders do not guarantee execution at the stop order price, and price slippage may occur in certain market conditions. Unlike limit orders, stops are not required to be executed at the designated price or better

CoinList Pro supports two kinds of triggerable orders: stops and take profits. These are orders that aren't added to the order book until some price threshold is reached.

Stop Market / Limit

A stop market or stop limit order is an instruction to add a market or limit order to the book once the trigger price has crossed the stop price. By default, the stop price indicates the mark price at which to trigger the stop, but stops may also be configured to trigger on last trade price or underlying index price rather than mark price.

Stop orders rest in the matching engine until the trigger price goes 'outside' the stop price:

  • buy - the stop triggers when the trigger price is greater than or equal to the stop price
  • sell - the stop triggers when the trigger price is less than or equal to the stop price

Upon triggering, the stop order is converted to a regular market or limit order. This order becomes available for execution in the first auction following the one which triggered the stop. The order will incur the standard fees, as any order inserted at the time of the trigger would.

While it is untriggered, a stop order is invisible to other traders, and is not included in the book. Once it is triggered it becomes visible (as it is now a normal market or limit order).

Note that the time priority of the order is based on the time at which it was triggered, rather than the time at which the stop was last updated.

Trailing Stop

A stop market order may be specified with either a fixed or percentage trail value, which causes the stop price to be pegged to no more than a fixed offset away from the order's trigger price (which is a mark price, index price, or last trade price, depending on the order's specified trigger type).

When the trigger price moves away from the current stop price, the stop price is moved as well, thus the stop price trails the trigger price. (Note however that when the trigger price moves towards the current stop price, the stop price doesn't change, otherwise the order would never trigger.)

For example, on a stop market sell order, setting a $-100 trail value will have the effect of setting the stop price $100 below the trigger price. If the trigger price is $1000 at the time the order is entered, the stop price will be $900. If the trigger price moves up to $1050, the stop price will be updated to $950. If the trigger price then moves down to $990, the stop price will stay at $950, and if the trigger price keeps moving all the way down to $950, the order will be triggered, and will convert to a normal market sell.

In other words, the stop price of a stop sell order will move up along with the market, but is kept constant as the price falls towards the stop (and vice-versa for a stop buy order).

Take Profit Market

  • Description - take profit, or market-if-touched, orders execute at the next available price once the designated trigger price (by default, the mark price) crosses the stop price
  • Use case - traders typically use take profit orders to exit positions once a price level has been reached although the order type can be used to initiate a position as well. Since the order executes at market once the market trades at the order price, execution certainty is prioritized over price execution
  • Take profit orders do not guarantee execution at the order price, and price slippage may occur in certain market conditions. Unlike limit orders, take profits are not required to be executed at the designated price or better
  • A take profit order will not be executed if the trigger price fails to touch the take profit specified price

A take market or take limit order is the same as a stop market or limit order, but with the trigger directions reversed. That is:

  • buy - the take profit order triggers when the trigger price is less than or equal to the stop price
  • sell - the take profit order triggers when the trigger price is greater than or equal to the stop price

Post-Only Order 

The post-only order is a limit order that ensures the order will be added to the book and not match with a pre-existing order. If your order matches with a pre-existing order, your post-only limit order will be rejected.

The Post-Only Order ensures that you will receive the maker rebate, and not pay a taker fee. It prevents placing a limit buy order that matches against the sell side of the order book (and vice versa, for sell orders), which would normally result in taker fees.

Placing Orders

Market orders refer to trades that are purchasing a given asset at the current market price (i.e. spot price) for the asset. You can place a market order by following these instructions: 

  • Choose the trading pair - click on the trading pair you want to use to trade 
  • Choose the order type - click on the order type you would like to use
  • Enter the trade size - define either the amount of crypto or the US dollar notional value to determine the size of the trade
  • Specify your order price - if using a price order, such as a limit or stop, enter the price at which you want to place the order. If using a market order, no price needs to be entered.
  • Choose to buy or sell - click on the buy or sell button to submit the order

Canceling Orders

CoinList Pro’s order book supports canceling working orders when in trade mode.

You can cancel individual working orders or cancel all working orders quickly in CoinList Pro’s order module. To cancel individual orders, simply click the trash can icon next to the order you wish to cancel.


Creating an API Key

In order to access CoinList Pro’s API, you will need to generate an API key and secret. API keys represent read, write, and/or fund transfer entitlements on a specific CoinList entity's trading account.

To get your unique API key, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right of the CoinList Pro platform, select API, and then click Create New Key.

Accessing API Documentation

Here is the direct link to CoinList Pro’s API documentation.

To access CoinList Pro's API documentation from the trading platform, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right of the platform, select API, and then click API Documentation.

Account Management

Enabling and Disabling One-Click Trading

CoinList Pro allows you to choose between submitting orders with a single-click or receiving a notification containing your order details which must be affirmed in order to submit the order into the market.

To manage your order notification settings, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right of the platform, select Account Settings, choose My Preferences, and then enable or disable notifications by using the control next to “Display confirmation dialog before placing trades.”

Note: disabling order notifications will result in orders being submitted immediately into the market upon placement. Please exercise caution when utilizing one-click trading.

Manage Order Status Updates

CoinList Pro allows you to control the amount of order status update messages that you receive.

To manage your order status updates, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right of the platform, select Account Settings, choose My Preferences, and then enable or disable notifications by using the control next to “Display notifications for order status updates.”

Deposits and Withdrawals


You can deposit any supported currency/asset into CoinList to fund your account. Once your funds are in your CoinList wallet, you will be able to immediately transfer them to CoinList Pro. There are no transaction fees when moving funds from your CoinList wallet to your CoinList Pro wallet. 

USD Deposits 

  • CoinList is in the process of upgrading our systems and increasing the number of banking partners available through the platform. Deposits are unavailable for now, as well as ACH Transfers
  • If you already have USD in your account:
  • Log into your CoinList account, visit and click “Send to Advanced Trading”
  • Input the amount you’d like to send to CoinList Pro
  • Click “Go to CoinList Pro”
  • Your USD will be sitting in your CoinList Pro account 

Crypto Deposits 

  • Log into your CoinList account 
  • Visit
  • Go to the wallet for the asset you’d like to deposit 
  • Click “Deposit” 
  • Copy and paste or Scan the QR code to obtain your CoinList wallet address 
  • Initiate your transfer 
  • Once your crypto is in your account, visit your wallet and click “Send to Advanced Trading”
  • Input the amount you’d like to send to CoinList Pro
  • Click “Go to CoinList Pro”
  • Your crypto will be sitting in your CoinList Pro account 


You can withdraw any supported currency/asset out of CoinList to a wallet of your choice. There are no transaction fees when moving funds from your CoinList Pro wallet to your CoinList wallet. 

  • Visit
  • Select the amount you’d like to withdraw and withdraw that amount to your CoinList wallet 
  • Visit the corresponding wallet on
  • Click “withdraw” and follow the instructions to execute the transaction 
  • For USD, withdrawals via ACH and wire transfer have been disabled. You can convert or trade your USD to USDC or USDT and withdraw
  • Conversion fees for USD/USDC will be 0%. Trading fees for the USD/USDT pair will be 0%
  • For crypto, you will be able to send an outbound transfer to a wallet of your choosing 

FAQ on Deposits & Withdrawals 

Can I deposit dollars, euro, yen, or other currencies into my account?

  • CoinList Pro currently accepts US dollars (USD). We do not currently support other fiat currencies.

Is there a fee to deposit funds in my account?

  • No, CoinList Pro does not charge a deposit fee. 

Where can I see a history of my deposit activity?

  • To view your transaction history, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right of the platform, select Account Settings, and then choose History.

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