0x Home Projects Cold Crypto

Cold Crypto

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Trustless custody solution (cold crypto storage) on any mobile device with the ability to interact with DEXs, DApps and payments.
Decentralized Finance
Working but buggy
Dmitry Radkovskiy, Ivan Kocheshev, and Igor Kolokoltsev

We’ve built a mobile custody solution for 0x that works both for 0x Relays as well as 0x Instant. It’s a mobile wallet with an online version and an offline version with a cold storage. Our unique technology using QR-packets allows us to transmit data in the safest way possible, making it impossible to hack. And at the same time retaining a UX that allows for payments, interactions with DEXs and DAPPs.


Comments (1)
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Steven Slicer · posted about 6 years ago

This is awesome, I really like the UX and also payment link facility that does a currency conversion, never seen that - really really cool!

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