Coda Home Prover Prover tutorials Problem 03: Cubic Extension Arithmetic

Cubic extension arithmetic

Quick details

  • Problem: Multiply together an array of elements of a cubic extension field.
  • Prize:
    • First 10 submissions: $150
    • All submissions: Swag bag including SNARK challenge T-shirt.

Now that we've implemented arithmetic in a prime-order field in a previous challenge, we can implement field extension arithmetic, which we'll need for multi-exponentiation.

Definitions and review

Let's review what exactly a field extension is. The actual operations needed are actually pretty simple, so if you just want to get started coding, you can safely skip this section.

A field extension of a field \mathbb{F} is another field \mathbb{F}' which contains \mathbb{F}. To use a familiar example, \mathbb{R}, the field of real numbers is a field extension of the field \mathbb{Q} of rational numbers.

In the SNARK challenge and in cryptography in general, we work with finite fields, and the extension fields we'll consider will be finite fields as well.

In this problem, you'll implement a kind of extension called a cubic extension. The idea is the following. First we'll start with our prime order field \mathbb{F}_q where q is MNT6753.q. Then, we'll pick a number in \mathbb{F}_q which does not have a cube root in \mathbb{F}_q. In our case, we'll use 11. If you already completed the quadratic extension, this problem is very similar.

Now we can define the field we call \mathbb{F}_q[x] / (x^3 = 11). This is the field obtained by adding an "imaginary" cube root x for 11 to \mathbb{F}_q. It's a lot like how the complex numbers are constructed from the real numbers by adding an "imaginary" square root i for -1 to \mathbb{R}.

Similar to the complex numbers, the elements of \mathbb{F}_q[x] / (x^3 = 11) are sums of the form a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 where a_0, a_1, a_2 are elements of \mathbb{F}_q. This is a field extension of \mathbb{F}_q since \mathbb{F}_q is contained in this field as the elements with a_1 = a_2 = 0. For short, we call this field \mathbb{F}_{q^3} since it has q^3 elements.

The problem

In code, you can think of an element of \mathbb{F}_{q^3} as a tuple (a0, a1, a2) where each of a0, a1, a2 is an element of \mathbb{F}_q or a struct { a0 : Fq, a1 : Fq, a2 : Fq }.

This problem will have you implement multiplication for \mathbb{F}_{q^2}. Addition and multiplication are defined how you might expect:

\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2) + (b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2) &= (a_0 + b_0) + (a_1 + b_1) x + (a_2 + b_2) x^2 \\ (a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2) (b_0 + b_1 x + b_2 x^2) &= a_0 b_0 + a_0 b_1 x + a_0 b_2 x^2 + a_1 b_0 x + a_1 b_1 x^2 + a_1 b_2 x^3 + a_2 b_0 x^2 + a_2 b_1 x^3 + a_2 b_2 x^4 \\ &= a_0 b_0 + a_0 b_1 x + a_0 b_2 x^2 + a_1 b_0 x + a_1 b_1 x^2 + 11 a_1 b_2 + a_2 b_0 x^2 + 11 a_2 b_1 + 11 a_2 b_2 x \\ &= (a_0 b_0 + 11 a_1 b_2 + 11 a_2 b_1) + (a_0 b_1 + a_1 b_0 + 11 a_2 b_2) x + (a_0 b_2 + a_1 b_1 + a_2 b_0) x^2 \\ \end{aligned}

In pseduo-code, this would be

var alpha = fq(11);

var fq3_add = (a, b) => {
  return {
    a0: fq_add(a.a0, b.a0),
    a1: fq_add(a.a1, b.a1),
    a2: fq_add(a.a2, b.a2)

var fq3_mul = (a, b) => {
  var a0_b0 = fq_mul(a.a0, b.a0);
  var a0_b1 = fq_mul(a.a0, b.a1);
  var a0_b2 = fq_mul(a.a0, b.a2);

  var a1_b0 = fq_mul(a.a1, b.a0);
  var a1_b1 = fq_mul(a.a1, b.a1);
  var a1_b2 = fq_mul(a.a1, b.a2);

  var a2_b0 = fq_mul(a.a2, b.a0);
  var a2_b1 = fq_mul(a.a2, b.a1);
  var a2_b2 = fq_mul(a.a2, b.a2);

  return {
    a0: fq_add(a0_b0, fq_mul(alpha, fq_add(a1_b2, a2_b1))),
    a1: fq_add(a0_b1, fq_add(a1_b0, fq_mul(alpha, a2_b2))),
    a2: fq_add(a0_b2, fq_add(a1_b1, a2_b0))

Problem specification



Expected behavior

Your implementation should use one or both of the benchmark machine's GPUs to solve this problem. The machine's specifications can be found here.

The output z should have z[i] = x[i] * y[i] where * is multiplication in the field 𝔽MNT4753.q3 as described above.

Submission guidelines

Your submission will be run and evaluated as follows.

  1. The submission runner will generate a random sequence of inputs, saved to a file PATH_TO_INPUTS.

  2. Your binary will be compiled with ./ This step should produce a binary ./main.

  3. Your binary will be invoked with

        ./main compute PATH_TO_INPUTS PATH_TO_OUTPUTS

    and its runtime will be recorded. The file PATH_TO_INPUTS will contain a sequence of inputs, each of which is of the form specified in the "Input" section.

    It should create a file called "outputs" at the path PATH_TO_OUTPUTS which contains a sequence of outputs, each of which is of the form specified in the "Output" section.

Reference implementation

The output of your submitted program will be checked against the reference implementation at this repo here. The "main" file is here. The core algorithm is implemented here.

Further discussion and background

Starter code

  • This repo has a CUDA solution for the first challenge, which is very similar to this one. You can clone that repo to get started.

Efficiency tricks

The pseduocode above does 9 \mathbb{F}_q multiplications, 2 multiplications by 11 (which can be made much cheaper than a general multiplication if it is special-cased), and 6 additions.

If you want to get the most efficiency, it's good to reduce the number of multiplications, as they are much more costly than additions. There a two methods to do so, called the Karatsuba and Toom-Cook methods, , described in section 4 of this paper. They require 6 and 5 multiplications respectively. The Toom-Cook method should be faster, but it's slightly more complicated to implement.